CIRCUIT Project’s Third General Assembly in Ljubljana and Mission for Resilient Infrastructure

The CIRCUIT project gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, for its third general assembly on April 23-25, 2024. This event marked a crucial phase in CIRCUIT’s mission to revolutionize transport infrastructure with sustainable solutions, and it provided an opportunity for partners to connect, share progress, and set the course for the months ahead.

Highlights from the General Assembly

The assembly kicked off with a warm welcome from the hosts, Aljoša Šajna and Lucija Hanzic from ZAG, Project Coordinator Thierry Goger (FEHRL), and Technical Coordinators Irina Stipanovic (INFRA PLAN) and Carlos Martin-Portugués Montoliu (ACCIONA). Then, Project Manager Adewole Adesiyun (FEHRL) provided an overview of the project’s internal proceedings and upcoming deliverables.

On Day one, the team quickly dived into the agenda, starting with an overview of internal proceedings and upcoming deliverables.

  • Key presentations included updates on the CIRCUIT holistic framework and the Circularity Analytics Tool (CAT), which is central to analyzing and optimizing circular processes within transport infrastructure.

Day two featured progress updates from the leaders of CIRCUIT’s three key pillars: recycling, reuse, and energy.

  • Additionally, the team reviewed the first report on Green Public Procurement (GPP) and Innovation Procurement (IP) requirements, which are crucial for guiding sustainable practices in future transport projects.
  • A visit to ZAG’s labs offered a closer look at innovative uses of green materials in construction, such as clays and 3D printing techniques. These insights will inform CIRCUIT’s efforts to integrate sustainable materials into transport infrastructure.

On the final day, the team met with Romana Lesjak, the Mayor of Črna na Koroškem, where one of the CIRCUIT pilot sites is located.

  • Črna was heavily impacted by severe flooding in August 2023, highlighting the urgent need for resilient infrastructure. Mrs. Lesjak, who was named “Slovenian of the Year” for her leadership during the crisis, played a crucial role in guiding the community through the challenging period when it was cut off, and she continues to actively contribute to the ongoing rebuilding efforts.

Site Visit in Črna na Koroškem

As part of the CIRCUIT project, the team will focus on one of the damaged bridges: the selected bridge’s superstructure was lifted off its bearings and carried 10 meters downstream by the Meža River.

Although temporarily repaired, the CIRCUIT team plans to implement Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) abutments to significantly enhance the bridge’s flood resilience. Additionally, the team is exploring the use of river debris and construction waste left by the floods as GRS infill material—an innovative approach to repurposing disaster-generated waste for resilient infrastructure development.

Key takeaways: Advancing the Digital Platform

One of the highlights of the assembly was the presentation on the development of CIRCUIT’s digital platform, featuring Knowledge Graph Databases as its core architecture. This platform aims to integrate data from various sources, such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), to enable complex queries and improve decision-making across diverse stakeholders.

CIRCUIT Project’s Third General Assembly in Ljubljana-7

As the assembly wrapped up, the team looked ahead to the next general assembly scheduled for October 2024 in Italy, another key pilot country for CIRCUIT. This meeting will continue to build on the project’s momentum, focusing on further progress and implementation strategies.

For more details on the CIRCUIT project and to keep up with its latest developments, (read the full press release here – PR 01-24 Ljubljana).